First, welcome! I originally started this site to be a blog where I complained talked about the process of finding the peace and contentment that the Shire-folk had. From crappy day jobs, side hustles into full-time business and the process of renovating a house and yard…but something else happened. Really, it’s something a lot of us have dealt with. The need to supplement our income. So what was once a blog became yet another side hustle.
I ended up with a bunch of rainbow pepper plants that my dad insisted I try to sell, and what do you know? They did pretty well. But they’re very seasonal. As in, if it’s too hot or too cold they can’t be shipped…and people are usually only looking to do gardening in the spring! What’s a wannabe hobbit to do? Find other stuff!
Plants will come and go, depending on how the seasonal temperatures are doing and if I’ve enough healthy stock to send out. I have a range of journals that get printed when orders come in. Here and there, I may pickup and refinish some furniture I don’t actually have space for or create a painting that has no where to hang. Perhaps one day I’ll expand to do a whole bunch of stuff! But in all honesty…I want a simple life where I can enjoy my friends and having relaxing garden parties (and having a garden), and with this being business #3, I’m a little hesitant to go full out crazy on what this provides.
For now, sign up on the newsletter. I’ve no real plans to send you any kind of regular content or coupons like other sites. That’s a ton of work in a field I’ve no interest in. But it will be useful to get notified of the rare one-offs that I’ll put up here every so often. Maybe it’ll become your next treasure?